DataPhysics Instruments has established a worldwide reputation for the provision of high quality and innovative measurement equipment within the field of surface and interfacial science. DataPhysics Instruments offers a wide range of measuring devices for the analysis of the chemical and physical properties of surfaces and interfaces. The product range comprises optical contact angle measuring and contour analysis systems, dynamic contact angle measuring devices and tensiometer, as well as spinning drop tensiometer and analysis systems for liquid dispersions. The measuring devices are complemented by an extensive array of accessories and extensions like for example a humidity generator. Hence a tailor-made combination of measuring device and accessories can easily be found to take on your individual surface and interfacial measuring challenges. On the following pages you can learn more about the DataPhysics Instruments products and their vast possibilities.
Contact angle measuring and contour analysis systems
Dynamic Contact Angle measuring devices and Tensiometer
Spinning drop Video Tensiometer
Surface Profile Analyzer
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